Getting from A to B

Future of Mobility

Good Company together with Tesla Israel, Bird, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Mobilion Ventures, Drive TLV, Ituran, Sompo Digital Lab Tel Aviv, KPMG Israel, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, and LeumiTech met with early stage startups with innovative technologies at the core of their solution, re-envisioning the Future of Transportation and Mobility.

Read The Report

This Mission was launched and the Showcase Event took place on March 2022.

You are welcome to download and read the full industry report.

In Partnership with

Putting Sustainability at the Core of What We Do.

As part of our mission to find the best companies to solve the world’s biggest challenges, Good Company together with Tesla Israel, Bird, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Mobilion Ventures, Drive TLV, Ituran, Sompo Digital Lab Tel Aviv, KPMG Israel, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, and LeumiTech met with early stage startups redefining the transportation world.

The Future of Mobility involves moving into new, smarter sources of energy, modes of transportation as well as physical and technological infrastructure changes to support these innovations. This sector undergoes rapid changes involving its safety, quality, connectivity, electrification, and automation. The Future of Mobility must be more efficient and sustainable.

This mission asked for companies that have a clear vision on how they can redefine mobility and make this future safe, affordable, accessible, efficient, and resilient, while minimizing carbon emissions.

Featured Startups

The Future of Mobility Mission Experts Panel


Replay of the Showcase


Solving the world’s biggest problems.

Let the purpose be the compass and not a walking stick.

 *Investment funding is dependent on the decision of the investment committee.